For the World Health Organization2014
- Ebola and Marburg virus disease epidemics: preparedness, alert, control, and evaluation
- How to safely collect blood samples from persons suspected to be infected with highly infectious blood-borne pathogens (Ebola, plague, etc.)
- Influenza antiviral susceptibility surveillance in GISRS: Capacity, methodology, and reporting
- WHO information for molecular diagnosis of influenza virus in humans - update
- Report of the Seventh Meeting with International Partners on Prospects for Influenza Vaccine Technology Transfer to Developing Country Vaccine Manufacturers - 24-26 March 2014
- A Manual for Estimating Disease Burden Associated with Seasonal Influenza in a Population
- Global Epidemiological Surveillance Standards for Influenza
- Pandemic Influenza Risk Management - interim guidance
- Influenza, Hepatitis and PIP Framework: Annual Activity Report 2012
- Guidelines for referral of suspected breast and cervical cancer at primary health care in low-resource settings
- Guidelines for referral of suspected breast and cervical cancer at primary health care in low-resource settings - Report on evidence review
- Evolution of a pandemic A(H1N1) 2009 - April 2009-August 2010 - 2nd edition
- IHR capacity analysis regional summaries - 2012
- IHR capacity analysis regional summaries - 2011
- Reporting requirements on monitoring IHR core capacity development after June 2012
- Guide for acceleration of IHR implementation in States Parties: Enhanced desk review of National IHR Core Capacities, Action Plan Development, and Stakeholder Mobilization
- Global mapping of seasonal influenza vaccine policy development and usage - 2006
- Guidance on development and implementation of a national deployment and vaccination plan for pandemic influenza vaccines
- Hospital care for children: Recommendations for the Management of Common Childhood conditions with Limited Resources: Fever Conditions, Dysentery, Newborn Conditions, Pneumonia and Severe Malnutrition
- Estonian Handbook for Guidelines Development (2011)
Emergency Response Coverage and Live-text Editing
- Response information management and communications support related to the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa (2014)
- Disease Outbreak News, Editor, Ebola, and Assistant Editor, Polio, MERS, H7N9, Cholera, and all other disease outbreaks (May 2014 - present)
- Live-text editing during high-level negotiations for the Open-ended Working Group on Substandard/spurious/falsely-labelled/falsified/counterfeit medical products (2013 and 2014)
- Rapporteur and collaborating writer on Vaccine Planning and Deployment Recommendations for Avian Influenza A(H7N9) (2013)
- Data re-analysis and rewrite of a 2010 survey on seasonal influenza vaccine policy development and implementation (2012-2013)
- Data re-analysis and rewrite of a 2011 survey on WHO H1N1 pandemic vaccine deployment, preparedness and implementation (2012-2013)
- Live-text editing during high-level negotiations for the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework for the sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits (2011)
- Archivist for historical documents and publications related to the Review Committee on the Functioning of the International Health Regulations (2005) and on Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 2009 (2010-2011)
- Response documents and FAQs related to the Japan earthquake/tsunami/nuclear emergency (2011)
- Response documents related to swine influenza A(H1N1) 2009 pandemic (2009-2010)
For the WHO South-East Asia Region
- Overview of National Codex Committees in Member States of the WHO South-East Asia Region
- WHO-AusAID Water Quality Partnership for Health Phase 3: SEARO Progress Meeting
- Regional Consultation on Long-Term Care of the Elderly
- South-East Asia Regional Immunization Policy: 2013-2020
- The Work of WHO in the South-East Asia Region: Report of the Regional Director
- 2014 Strategic Demand Forecast for Vaccines
- Healthy lives, healthy communities: Immunization results and opportunities
- Investing in immunization through the GAVI Alliance - The evidence base
For Miller Freeman / Paperloop Inc. / RISI
Pulp and Paper Factbook (1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001)
North America Company Profiles (US and Canada) (1999, 2000, 2001)
International Company Profiles (2000, 2001)
Nonwovens Markets Company Profiles (1999, 2001)
Nonwovens Markets in China (1999)
Small Business / Individual Projects
- Revision and editing of a restaurant menu for Ti Briezh Crêperie, Ferney, France (French to English)
- Proofreading The Twible. Reiss, J. Self-published. 2013.
- Writing, designing, and editing marketing materials for Window Accents Inc., Fairfax, Virginia, US
- Editing graduate school application materials and masters' theses for master's-level students in US and European graduate school programs by individual request
- Résumé and cover letter writing and editing by individual request
Report for the Seventh Meeting with International Partners on Prospects for Influenza Vaccine Technology Transfer to Developing Country Vaccine Manufacturers 2014, World Health Organization: Dubai, UAEFINANCIAL / TECHNICAL WRITING
Company Profiles, 2008 ed. Pulp and Paper Newsgroup, Paperloop Inc./RISI Inc., San Francisco, CAADVOCACY / COMMUNICATIONS
Donor appeal newsletter: Disease Outbreak Update: Ebola virus disease in West Africa, World Health Organization, Geneva, SwitzerlandRecycling advocacy materials in collaboration with a senior communications officer as part of the Recovered Fiber and Utilization program at the American Forest and Paper Association, Washington, DC