Thursday, January 27, 2011

Notre-Dame de la Garde

Notre-Dame de la Garde : Marseille, FR

Mosaics and Neo-Byzantine architecture underscore this minor basilica : Marseille, FR

Towering above the city of Marseille is the Basilica of Our Lady of the Guard, or Notre-Dame de la Garde. Built in the Neo-Byzantine style, the basilica sits on Marseille's highest point at 532 ft (162 m) above sea level. The first chapel was built on the site in 1214 and the current structure was consecrated in 1864. The upper chapel is comprised largely of mosaics. The building is topped by a bell tower and capped by a 27 foot tall (11 m) statue of the Madonna and Child. These are just a few pictures from this minor basilica. To see more photos, visit my web album.

Passion of the Christ with the Il d'If in the background : Marseille, FR

The church pays homage to Marseille's seafaring industries :
Marseille, FR

Photo copyright: Janet M Kincaid, 1/11


Maya said...

Nice shots. I hope Alistair sees this so he knows there was no simpler background for my plane shot! :-)

Eeyore said...

Beautiful place. Nice photos.

JDK said...

Hmmm, I may have to come back for another visit. Really liked the first photo in the post.

Janet M Kincaid said...

Maya: I could send him the link. ;-)

Larry: Thanks.

JDK: Um, yeah... ;-) Marseille is a short train ride--only three hours. You must come for another visit.

Maya said...

You should! I sent him mine. I sent it so he could see the sunset shots I took that produced the "abstract" photo he liked so much. :-)